Contemporary messages from Jesus in 2022
The Door is Opened for Each of Us
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: August 14, 2022 Location: Gibsons, B.C. Beloved souls, I am your friend and brother; I am Jesus. I urge you to pray together earnestly, each one. With the earnestness of your soul, pray for the opening to receive God’s Love within you. For as you know and as you have experienced, this blessing is the key to all other blessings. The power of this Love that is God’s Essence will uplift, transform and bring to you the truth. May you come to know the truth in a conscious and powerful way, and to live that truth with every day. May you come to nurture…
Have Compassion and Do Not Judge Your Brothers and Sisters
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: August 9, 2022 Location: Gibsons, B.C. I am Jesus. I implore you to have compassion for your brothers and sisters, especially those who you have nurtured upon this Path Divine, this Truth of Divine Love. Though you see that, within their minds, there is some error and misunderstanding of the truth, for this is how all enter into and upon the path of truth. They carry with them much error and distorted thoughts and ideas about the truth. You can well imagine, from our perspective, when we see you all upon the Earth plane struggling with what, to our perspective is simple truth, and…
Praying for a Pentecost Inflowing of God’s Divine Love
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: June 05, 2022 Location: Gibsons, BC May the peace that passes all understanding be with you, beloved souls. Each of you are a point of light upon the Earth, each of you praying, not only for your own soul, but for the souls of humanity. What a powerful effect this has in the darkened world to have the light of God’s Touch invoked upon it. For the power of prayer is such so that which comes from God may flow readily with prayer. That which is within your hearts, that great desire of the soul, will influence and change the world, provided you follow…
Blesses Guernsey Retreat
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey [May the Peace that] passes all understanding be yours, my beloveds. I come, I am Jesus, I come to pray with you and be with you today. May we all seek the blessings of God together and be in this gracious light, absorbing all that we can, being in the grace of His Touch. God bless you.
Blessing for Bill and Freda’s Group (Durham)
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: May 11, 2022 Location: Durham UK May the blessings of God be upon you, my beloveds. I am Jesus, I come, I come to bless you. I come to bring light and to uplift you. I come as God’s channel of Love, and I am an example of the power of God’s Love to transform and awaken the soul. And as I have said even upon the Earth, that these things I do you may do also in the name of my Father, which is the truth of His Love. Know His Blessing upon you, beloved souls, awaken to it. Embrace God’s Loving…