Blesses Guernsey Retreat
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey [May the Peace that] passes all understanding be yours, my beloveds. I come, I am Jesus, I come to pray with you and be with you today. May we all seek the blessings of God together and be in this gracious light, absorbing all that we can, being in the grace of His Touch. God bless you.
Blessing for Bill and Freda’s Group (Durham)
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: May 11, 2022 Location: Durham UK May the blessings of God be upon you, my beloveds. I am Jesus, I come, I come to bless you. I come to bring light and to uplift you. I come as God’s channel of Love, and I am an example of the power of God’s Love to transform and awaken the soul. And as I have said even upon the Earth, that these things I do you may do also in the name of my Father, which is the truth of His Love. Know His Blessing upon you, beloved souls, awaken to it. Embrace God’s Loving…
Blessed Are You
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: March 3, 2019 Location: Manhattan, NY ….through the tortuous and treacherous path of life and find light. Each one of you I promise, will find light in your lives and know the joy of the upliftment of God bringing you to that place of truth and salvation from these earthly conditions to a place of joy and peace. Blessed are those who come with humility but determination that light shall be in their lives, that they will live not in darkness but light, not in fear but joy, not in ignorance but truth. That they may be in light and love, the Grace of…
A Blessing
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: December 14, 2017 Location: Gibsons, BC My beloveds, you are no longer lost. You have truly found the Truth, you carry it within your souls. It is readily seen by the Light that you carry my beloveds. Now it is time to carry this Truth to the world, to bring this Truth in many ways, to demonstrate this Truth, and to make your lives an expression of this Truth in every way. Walk in this Light beloveds. Walk in this Light together, in this glorious Light and Love, and those that carry this Truth will be mightily blessed in this world, mightily blessed with…
Consecration of the your journey to God
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Location: Gibsons, BC Date: November 30, 2015 I come and I consecrate your journey, my beloveds, I am Jesus. For you step upon the Path more fully and your awareness grows and God is able to guide you and shall guide you in many beautiful ways on many beautiful journeys, both within your souls and within this world. You begin to understand, to truly know what it is to be God’s child and you will teach this Truth, this Love, this message of Love wherever you go as you express the beauty of your souls in the world. Do not fear for your next steps…
Jesus gives His Blessing to Those in the Retreat
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Location: Gibsons, BC Date: Aug 22, 2015 Blessings to you, my beloved brothers. Blessings to you, my beloved sisters. I come. I am Jesus and I come on a wave of Love that you have brought from your Heavenly Father through your longings from your souls. I come because I bring my Love to add to your Love to this world and to one another and to your Heavenly Father. Blessed, beloved souls, I am well pleased with what you have accomplished in these days. You have come together in Love and harmony. You have brought bounteous blessings into your midst and into this…
Jesus Greets Those Gathered in Retreat. Reiterates His Calling to be His Disciples
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Location: Gibsons, BC Date: August 15, 2015 I am Jesus, I come and I am so pleased that you have answered my call to come together to seek the guidance your souls yearn to have and acknowledge, for many of you have many questions and you seek to serve your Heavenly Father in higher and greater ways, in a greater flow of His Love and to be within yourselves more aligned with the Father’s care and Love. Beloved, beautiful souls, know that these questions will be answered and that you will reach that place of greater service and understanding, and that the harmony that you…