Your Life Will Have Great Purpose As You Follow God’s Will And Truth
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: July 12, 2019 Location: Gibsons, BC I come. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Kingdom. I come to speak to you today because I have observed your time together. Your time together has been blessed and somewhat orchestrated by us because it is important that you all have the opportunity to be in this Circle of Light that will allow you to grow and to understand one another and to come closer to truth. Great effort has been made to pour truth out to you, beloved souls. Great effort has been made to gather you in this light and the many aspects of…
Great Blessings Await Those Who Follows the Divine Love Path
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: February 21, 2019 Location: Western Caribbean Cruise He who takes my hand shall be led to the Kingdom of God where love reigns supreme and light bright and beautiful. He who follows the truth of God’s Love will find many blessings upon that road and be awakened to truth, awakened within their hearts. A great blessings shall come to their souls as God pours His Essence within. He who seeks to serve God in love shall find many opportunities to be God’s channels and harbingers of love. He who is humble upon the path shall find great rewards in the realms of Heaven. He…
In God’s Love You Have Found Your Sanctuary of Light
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Location: Hawaii Kai, Oahu, HI, USA Date: March 13, 2018 Beloved Father, bless these, thy children who seek Your Light, whose souls crave for Your Love. May they find their at-onement with You and know the deep peace and joy that comes with this. Blessed souls, the Heavenly Father has you within His embrace. He has enveloped you in Light. He carries you up into the conditions of Light, closer to Him as your souls expand in the blessings of His Love. Beloved children, be with God. Know that God is with you. Know that within you is all that is required to know God,…