The Truth about Jesus Messages
About Us — Jesus Messages .org
Sep 08, 2024
What is The Truth about Jesus Messages?
This website is dedicated to Jesus messages received through various instruments in what we call the “modern era.” We consider the modern era that started in the early 19th century. Jesus has never left us, and ever since his ascension into heaven, Jesus has returned in spirit form to continue to teach and spread his Gospel of Truth for all mankind to anyone who was so inclined.
In biblical times, those who were sensitive or enlightened enough to hear or see spirit communicated with spirits frequently. Often they were called “prophets.” From the early 19th century, those who communicated with spirits were called “mediums” and the practice became known as “spiritism” or “spiritualism.” For a little more information about mediumship and spirit-to-mortal communication, see our page on Spirit Communication, which has links to extensive information on this topic.
However, every person has a soul, and your soul is what is connected to God and his angels and beautiful spirits in the heavens. It is our souls that communicate with the spirit world. Have you ever had a “gut feeling” that something was wrong, or your gut was telling you to take or avoid a certain action? More than likely, that was coming from your soul, and even possibly, a strong urging by your guardian angel or spirit guides. The problem with the modern world and lack of spirit communication is that we live in a hyper-materialized world made by mankind.
This world is filled with numerous distractions, such as cell phones, computers, other electronics, sports, entertainment, news, you name it. But what is it distracting us from? They are all distractions to keep us away from focusing on God. When we are so involved in the material world and its endless distractions, we have little time for God and our own soul development. In other words, the World is out of balance with God.
So how do these Jesus messages help us get in balance with God and develop our souls?
In the modern era, there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of messages from Jesus through various instruments or mediums. Most notably were the collection of messages received from 1914 through 1922 via the mediumship of a Washington D.C. attorney named James E. Padgett. One of the most interesting collections of spirit messages, the Padgett Messages contain messages received from some of the most famous spirits in human history, including former Kings and Queens, Egyptians, generals, presidents, biblical figures, and of course, Jesus of Nazareth. You can read and download a free PDF file of the entire collection of these published messages here: the Padgett messages
Our website about Jesus Messages is a site that pulls the messages from Jesus in multiple locations to one location. In this way, the reader can see if the messages from Jesus have changed over time. For example, do the messages received by James Padgett from the early 1900s differ from the messages received in 2020, 2021, or 2022?
Of course, it is up to the reader to discern the truth of any claimed messages from Jesus. How do you know if one message was truly from Jesus of Nazareth? Part of your discernment is what your soul is telling you. These messages will either resonate with you, your gut feeling, or they may not.
Another factor you can consider to determine if messages from Jesus are genuine is whether they differ dramatically in theory from earlier messages, and sometimes even compared to the bible. For example, Jesus has always taught from his time on Earth to the present that God is Love. So any modern message from Jesus that claims otherwise and contradicts Jesus’ earlier teachings should raise some doubt and require further discernment from the reader as to whether they believe the message to be true and actually from modern Jesus messages
So how do these messages help? Listen to the words of the Jesus Messages and hear what he is teaching. Jesus tells us we can help bring love, light, and harmony to this otherwise dark world that it so out of balance. Put down the distractions of the material world for just a moment, and turn your focus to God, even if it’s only for a few minutes a day for prayer.
God bless you on your soul’s journey, and may you be filled with an abundance of the Father’s Love through His Blessings of the Holy Spirit.