Volume 2 – Lesson 16: Calling All Light Bringers to Help Build a New World
August 10, 2021 /August 10, 2021 Gibsons, B.C. Canada Received by Al Fike I am Jesus. I come once again to speak, to share my perceptions and wisdom with you, for as you know, the world is in deep need of truth, of understanding, of light, of wisdom, of compassion and love. The alarms are being sounded around the world at this time as each individual soul begins to realize that all is not well. Even those who insulate themselves well from the earthly conditions that are unpleasant and threatening are coming to realize that life as they know it is coming to an end and that great changes are upon all of…
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Volume 2 – Lesson 15: Effecting Change in the World
August 6, 2021 /August 6, 2021 Gibsons, B.C. Canada Received by Al Fike May God bless you and bring His Love deep within your soul. I am Jesus and I come once again to speak about matters of your Earth plane and to inspire those who are willing to listen to my words so that they may effect change within their lives and within this world. How does one effect change in an ever-changing world? How does one make their mark upon this world by their actions and efforts which have their effects upon this world? Each is endowed with the gift of free will, with a mind, a spirit and a soul,…
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Volume 2 – Lesson 14: A Soul Changed with the Blessing of Divine Love will Change the World
July 29, 2021 /July 29, 2021 Gibsons, B.C. Canada Received by Al Fike Beloved souls, I am Jesus. I come once again to give a lesson. The subject of this lesson pertains to the changes that will happen within the individual and, on a grander scale, with the Earth when the light and blessings from God penetrate many souls upon this planet and many aspects of this world. As your scientists have explained, all aspects of creation include energy, the manipulation of, the transformation and the expression of energy in the material world. So it is with the transformation of the individual, as their soul receives the blessing of God, which is the…
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Volume 2 – Lesson 13: Earth Changes to Come
June 25, 2021 /June 25, 2021 Gibsons, B.C. Canada Received by Al Fike This is Jesus. I come to speak of times that are coming in your Earth plane and to assure you that a changed world will not be a world that is hostile to humanity but rather, a world that brings further nurturing and support to those who live upon the Earth plane. It is humanity that has caused itself such great difficulties and erected such barriers against the natural flow and natural order that God has created in your world. It is only just recently that humanity has come to realize this, that indeed their actions day in and day…
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