The Door is Opened for Each of Us
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: August 14, 2022 Location: Gibsons, B.C. Beloved souls, I am your friend and brother; I am Jesus. I urge you to pray together earnestly, each one. With the earnestness of your soul, pray for the opening to receive God’s Love within you. For as you know and as you have experienced, this blessing is the key to all other blessings. The power of this Love that is God’s Essence will uplift, transform and bring to you the truth. May you come to know the truth in a conscious and powerful way, and to live that truth with every day. May you come to nurture…
Your Life Will Have Great Purpose As You Follow God’s Will And Truth
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: July 12, 2019 Location: Gibsons, BC I come. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Kingdom. I come to speak to you today because I have observed your time together. Your time together has been blessed and somewhat orchestrated by us because it is important that you all have the opportunity to be in this Circle of Light that will allow you to grow and to understand one another and to come closer to truth. Great effort has been made to pour truth out to you, beloved souls. Great effort has been made to gather you in this light and the many aspects of…
Great Blessings Await Those Who Follows the Divine Love Path
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: February 21, 2019 Location: Western Caribbean Cruise He who takes my hand shall be led to the Kingdom of God where love reigns supreme and light bright and beautiful. He who follows the truth of God’s Love will find many blessings upon that road and be awakened to truth, awakened within their hearts. A great blessings shall come to their souls as God pours His Essence within. He who seeks to serve God in love shall find many opportunities to be God’s channels and harbingers of love. He who is humble upon the path shall find great rewards in the realms of Heaven. He…
The road is clear before you
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Location: Gibsons, BC Date: January 2, 2017 God bless you beloved souls, I am Jesus. Look up. Look up with the eyes of your souls and see the Light of the Holy Spirit which descends upon you all at this time. Bringing the inflowing of the Father’s Essence, touching your souls deeply with Love, bringing the change so needed within each one of you my beloveds and to this world. Yes, you bring this Light with your prayers and your desires and your expressions of love. You bring this Gift from God. Beloved souls, you are forever bonded in this Love for you are each…
Consecration of the your journey to God
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Location: Gibsons, BC Date: November 30, 2015 I come and I consecrate your journey, my beloveds, I am Jesus. For you step upon the Path more fully and your awareness grows and God is able to guide you and shall guide you in many beautiful ways on many beautiful journeys, both within your souls and within this world. You begin to understand, to truly know what it is to be God’s child and you will teach this Truth, this Love, this message of Love wherever you go as you express the beauty of your souls in the world. Do not fear for your next steps…
You Walk Towards At-onement with God
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Location: Gibsons, BC Date: June 1, 2015 Beloved souls. I come, I am Jesus. The Father enfolds you in His Love. He carries you upon the Divine Path to bring you to that great destination of at-onement as your hearts open and your souls respond to His call and His Love, which flows to those deep places within you bringing you into this Light, upon this Path, beyond the conditions of the world, into that place of harmony and Love, peace and healing. And as you feel His Grace surround and permeate you, know that you are truly loved, that you are worthy of His…