Consecration of the your journey to God
Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: November 30, 2015
I come and I consecrate your journey, my beloveds, I am Jesus. For you step upon the Path more fully and your awareness grows and God is able to guide you and shall guide you in many beautiful ways on many beautiful journeys, both within your souls and within this world. You begin to understand, to truly know what it is to be God’s child and you will teach this Truth, this Love, this message of Love wherever you go as you express the beauty of your souls in the world.
Do not fear for your next steps or the unfolding of your life for you are firmly in God’s hands, my beloveds, and you walk in this Light surrounded by God’s angels and lit by God’s Love. And you are my disciples, beloveds, you have answered my call and many doors will begin to open for you.
Be strong, be with God and may your life be a true and powerful expression of Love. And may the Father’s blessing of His Divine Essence flow into your soul in great abundance, a great demonstration of this Truth, and it shall be yours for all eternity. You shall walk this Path and we shall walk this Path together, my beloveds.