May God’s Love Rain Upon You
Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Date: October 6, 2020
Location: Gibsons, BC
God bless you deeply, beloved souls. I come. I am Jesus. I come to pray with you because each of you are precious to me and precious to God. I come to tell you that the Holy Spirit brings its gift of the Essence of God into your presence and to beseech you to open your souls wide, to put aside all of your thoughts and concerns and distractions and be with God at this moment.
In His great effort and yearning for you to receive this great gift of Love, God has opened a great Portal of Love for you to bathe within this Light, these Living Waters, receiving His gift that is meant for each one of you. Do not hold yourselves back, beloved souls, but lean forward in love and desire and longing of the soul beseeching God to fulfill His promise which is that you may be redeemed in Love, that you may washed clean in Love, that you may come to know God with the power of His Love igniting all that is within you, within your soul.
You are given a great opportunity here as you gather together. As you hold each other’s hand in this Circle of Light, so you are brothers and sisters in this great resonant Truth that is the Power of Love touching each of you deeply, profoundly and powerfully. So that you may release all that is not of love, that you may go in the world as a light, a channel of God’s Love carrying this Truth wherever you go, being God’s channel for His purpose to bring the Truth of this great and mighty blessing to all His children, a beacon of light, beloved souls, in the world, a blessing of light and healing and peace and love for all who are in darkness but yearn within their soul for that which may be given to uplift and carry each child into light bringing comfort and relief and deep understanding and vision to the children of God who are seeking and longing and wanting relief from their burdens and pain.
May His Love rain down upon you, beloved souls, carrying all that is of goodness and wonderment and joy. It is yours to receive at this very moment for God is with us. His silent words, His Breath of Love beseeches the soul to be fully present with God. God bless you, beloveds. I am with you in prayer. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens, your brother and friend upon this journey of love. God bless you, carry you forth, carry you forth, beloved souls. Peace be with you.