Blesses Guernsey Retreat
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey [May the Peace that] passes all understanding be yours, my beloveds. I come, I am Jesus, I come to pray with you and be with you today. May we all seek the blessings of God together and be in this gracious light, absorbing all that we can, being in the grace of His Touch. God bless you.
Blessing for Bill and Freda’s Group (Durham)
Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: May 11, 2022 Location: Durham UK May the blessings of God be upon you, my beloveds. I am Jesus, I come, I come to bless you. I come to bring light and to uplift you. I come as God’s channel of Love, and I am an example of the power of God’s Love to transform and awaken the soul. And as I have said even upon the Earth, that these things I do you may do also in the name of my Father, which is the truth of His Love. Know His Blessing upon you, beloved souls, awaken to it. Embrace God’s Loving…